Behold The Lolo

An Adaptive Guitar That You Don't Need To Hold!

The Lolo-MSU Rev

Callie McLaurin-Phyhsical Therapy Student

Therapy students and doctors working with the adaptive guitar.

It's been 6 months since I brought a crazy instrument with a crazy idea into a conference room at my local university.  A 15 minute meeting wound down at the 45 minute mark and the train began to leave the station. Through the intervening months I've had the pleasure of working with one of the most engaged and educated faculty leading an incredible student body eager to work with innovative tools. 

The input of these academics melted together with my team's mechanical ingenuity and produced a tool that I belive has the ability to improve the quality of life to thousands of people every year. But as the great Levar Burton would say...  You don't have to take my word for it.

Jim Ryman-Stroke Patient

Dr. Jason Shaw-Physical Therapy Assistant Professor

Dannyca Mostrom-Physical Therapy Student

Esmeralda Chavez-Physical Therapy Student

Brendan Black-Physical Therapy Student

Britta Hess-Physical Therapy Student